Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Primary Notes.

There were a few primaries tonight.  Of course they were Republican.  Santorum seemed to the big winner followed by Romney.  I really never have voted for a Republican.  My Dad always said we were Daley Democrats.  I think that means vote early and often.  Long way to go. I wish somebody could tell me Obama could win another term.  I will probably will vote for him anyway.  I could live with Santorum.  With Syria wanting military help from the USA.  This might not be a good time to change Presidents.  I say that because we have a great Sec. of State.  We have got to quit cleaning up all the worlds  messes.

1 comment:

  1. So true about cleaning up all the worlds messes! I think Obama can win another term and I will vote for him again. My "philosophy" on this is "you can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear". It will take more than one four year term to clean up the mess he was given.
